Copywriter & Creative
MCCY Caring Featured Image.001.jpeg

[Social Experiment] MCCY: Who Needs Care?

MCCY: Who Needs Care?

A data-driven social experiment to shed light on a social issue.

The Brief:
To create a campaign that can drive caring attitudes and behaviours among Singaporeans.

Our Solution:
We tackled this at the root by conducting research to ask fundamental questions about the topic: What does being caring mean in our country? Who would they define as someone in need of care?

Through this, we learnt that most Singaporeans define ‘care’ as small, everyday acts of kindness (as opposed to alternatives like volunteerism or donating money to causes) and are willing to take action. However, many have narrow preconceived notions as to what a person who needs care looks like (eg. the elderly, individuals with physical disabilities), and do not see the need to care for those who do not fit these ‘stereotypes’.

We thus landed on our objective: to encourage Singaporeans to confront their stereotypes and look beyond appearances to see the needs of others in their day-to-day lives.

TV Commercial:

Social Videos:

We also created ambient out-of-home ads and social posts to enforce our messaging.

OOH Ads:

Social Posts:

Developed at Tribal Worldwide with Art Director, Senior Creatives and Creative Director. Research conducted by Planning & Strategy team. TVC script developed with Senior Copywriter. OOH copy and social posts written by me.

MARKies 2019: Integrated Media – Gold
MARKies 2019: Content Marketing – Silver
MARKies 2019: Out of Home – Silver
MARKies 2019: Social Media – Bronze